Joe Biden and Sarah Palin Face-off in Second Debate

October 2, 2008 -- 69 million viewers sat down to watch Joe Biden and Sarah Palin, face-off for the second most anticipated debate in vice presidential history.

Biden seen-l;Palin seen-r. 

Anticipation for the debate made it seem more like a long awaited boxing match, in which you almost certainly knew who the winner would be; but the entertainment value didn't hurt either. 

Palin entered confident, assertive and sure of herself -- you could definitely tell the 'McCain boot camp' did the trick. However towards the end of the debate Palin became redundant with her "maverick" talk, and most of her emphasis focused on energy which seemed to be her strongest point. 

When asked about foreign policy issues Palin almost always shifted away from the topic, and focused instead back where she was comfortable -- on energy, making it obvious that she lacked foreign policy experience.

But foreign policy is one of Biden's strongest areas, and he made it his point to explain the current crisis here at home, while engaging the audience with what an Obama/Biden ticket would mean for America. His knowledgeable facts backed up his arguments and he expressed his reason of why he supported the Iraq war.

Biden spoke of middle class values which were his own and he seemed to connect well with women, as a few females in the audience teared up when he spoke about the loss of his wife and children. He was strong, poised, very intelligent, and a gentleman. Through his stories a connection was made as if he were an uncle or a dad, using his experiences as an example to prove a point.

The debate brought on laughter at the governor's basic rhetoric, compared to the senator who speaks like a skilled politician. It was a lighthearted debate and both candidates were equally friendly. 

Biden gave the best closing argument as he trounced McCain on his policies, while doing the honor of relinquishing him of his "maverick" title.

At the end of the debate, a poll showed that the public's main focus in order was the: economy, education and health care, in which they felt senator Biden was more informative. Governor Palin doesn't appear to be vice president material, but tonight she definitely redeemed herself from the last showdown.

WSBTV - Channel 2 Action News' Lori Geary had this to say, "It was a great debate. Palin exceeded her expectations. She debated strong and spoke very American. Palin was a master at changing the subject when Biden bashed McCain, it's called shifting. Let's see if she can bring momentum back to the McCain campaign."

Let's see shall we?

2008 LA
