Shanda Armstrong

Hey Y'all!
    The 2008 presidential election emboldened me to start, A HOOD TALKS. It was all political but then my juices began stirring for something different lol; four more blogs were birthed.
    My alias back then was LA - to nervous to use my real name lol. Hey don't judge me! My first time blogging and talking about heated controversial political sh&t, you'd be nervous too! As a matter-of-fact, I was told by a published author that many writer's never use their real names due to protecting their privacy and safety. With my latest website honeychildscafe.com, I decided to forgo that notion and let it alllllll hangout.
    Resurrecting these 5 blogs was a serious decision 'cause I decided a long time ago not to - due to the fact that many articles may be deemed as controversial. But when I reviewed how many views I got for each blog (thousands and thousands!), I decided what the hell. Not to mention many of my past predictions (especially with certain celebrities lol) actually came to pass! So either I'm psychic or I'm psychic lol! It was just to good to NOT resurrect!
    I also felt it important to showcase how much I've evolved with my writing skills and outlook on life; things I said and wrote back then isn't necessarily how I'd express my views now. I'm not sure yet if I'll continue on all 5 blogs 'cause I'm not as interested in certain topics - like celebrity gossip (it's whateva chile lol).
    However, I'm still very much into politics, history and random sh&t - so we'll see where it goes! But I needed to give myself props/credit on my other magnum opus. I've planted many seeds over the course of some years, and now it seems they're beginning to root themselves together. 
    I'm told that I'm unpredictable and one wonders what else I will pull outta my hat; my answer: "Everything but the f&ckin' rabbit!" (wink wink)
(UPDATED APRIL 24, 2021)
