
Mentally drained from this presidential election and wishing election day was tomorrow, doesn't stop one from tuning in!

This election is currently the most fascinating thing to watch
on television; there's always breaking news and you never know if the current news might make or break a candidate's campaign.

Por ejemplo: Senator McCain's top foreign policy advisor, and former Secretary of State Larry Eagleburger, appeared on NPR yesterday and had this to say,

NPR: "Are you entirely comfortable with Sarah Palin as the Vice President of the United States? That she would be ready to take over in a crisis if she should, be called up to do so."

Eagleburger: "That's a very good question. I'm being facetious here. Look, I don't.. Of course not. I don't think at the moment she's prepared to take over the reigns of the presidency."

How can McCain hone the title of "maverick", when his own party doesn't agree with his VP pick? 

Allegedly, Black and Hispanic men are being falsely arrested for the purposes of keeping them away from the ballot box, and in the state of Colorado voters are being purged from the voting list and systems. Colorado is currently fighting to restore the voters' names. 

It's been reported that racist fliers were dispersed within predominately black neighborhoods, and on the fliers were incorrect voting dates.

And finally it was indeed confirmed that the McCain campaign, rigged the Ashley Todd scandal in which a 20 year old McCain/Palin volunteer, lied about being attacked by a black man who was an Obama supporter. 

How low can one continue to go? 

No one from the Democratic party has threatened any one's life, or sent hate mail, or hung a doll that resembled a candidate from a noose; but all these things have happened within the Republican campaign! 

This race is getting nastier and its becoming more easy to tell who the racists are in this country. Senator McCain should be very careful if he wants to win the election, because as of now he's treading on thin ice.

Election-i-tis for sure, but I can't stop watching.

2008 LA
