The Pro-life and Pro-Choice Battle Continues

Listening to speeches and interviews given by both presidential candidates, and hearing the opinions and concerns of American citizen's regarding abortion rights, led me to understand that democrats are pro-choice and  Republicans are pro-life who seek to overturn Roe v. Wade. 

How can both parties compromise on a subject, when they're both in opposition to each others views? 

In the 1950's it was a felony to have an abortion and a massive amount of women died, as a result of sneaking around having "back-alley" abortion procedures. 
Many women bled to death because they didn't have the proper medications to fight off infections such as penicillin; other times the  abortionist just didn't perform the operation successfully. 

It reminds me of a film titled 'If These Walls Could Talk' (seen-r); a story of 3 different women in different decades, with all 3 sharing their abortion experiences.

Republicans say that life begins at the moment of conception, therefore, abortion should be illegal. Democrats say that it should be the right of the woman to choose what's best for her body. And being that the government doesn't own our bodies, it pretty much gives us the right of "choice" in the matter.

Why are Republicans pro-life and adamantly against abortion?

While researching the American population and its birth rates using the US Census Bureau, it displayed that just 8 years ago (2000) the white population in America was documented between 211-228 million, the black population was over 35 million and Asians were at 10 million. 

However, the latest national population count from 2007 actually shows a drastic change in diversity. The National Vital Statistics reports that the white population is at just over 3 million, and the black population is climbing to 39 million with Asians not far behind. I honestly thought the figures were misconstrued because it seemed like a rapid decline in Caucasians; which left me thinking "Where did they go?"

Statistics showed that the number of white women are having fewer babies each passing year. In 1998 the Caucasian fertility rate was 1.84 a mere one-eighth to low, before you start to become non-existent. Hispanics birth rate is the highest at 3.2, and African American birth rates are at 2.24. 

Do these calculations mean that one day brown and mixed races will be in the majority? 

It makes sense of why the Ku Klux Klan are always screaming preserve the white race, no mixing races, and no abortions. They obviously grasp the understanding that their race could become non-existent as black tends to dominate white; whether by DNA or paint colors -- black is always more concentrated, however I doubt very much that white people will become non-existent.

Although Senator Obama is pro-choice he wants to invest in programs, that'll get to the root of why abortions remain high in America. You can't fix anything unless you get to the root of the problem; some things shouldn't be done half-ass.

2008 LA
