If You Put Lipstick On a Pig, Isn't It Still a Pig?

Controversy erupted within the McCain camp who attacked Senator Obama, for using an analogy that John McCain himself used when discussing Hillary Clinton's universal health care plan. 

Obama used the "lipstick on a pig" analogy to describe McCain's plan for the White House stating, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig. You can wrap fish in paper and call it change, but it's still gonna stink, like the last eight years. We've had enough of the same thing!"

While campaigning in Lebanon, Virginia, Barack Obama discussed the McCain camps new strategy, which seemed to be copying his key phrase of "change" and how it's necessary. Obama acknowledged how John McCain used his slogan repeatedly, pretending to promote "change" in order to garner more support. Obviously, McCain keeps stealing Obama's ideas because he knows they're better than his.

The Illinois senator was simply saying that although John McCain is now promoting change, that it isn't much change if the policies are still the same as McCain voted with George W. Bush 90 percent of the time, and the McCain/Palin ticket would mean the same as the last 8 years because they share the same views and values. 

Republicans seem to be against everything Democrats are for: women's rights, voting rights, civil rightscutting taxes for the middle class, equality, universal healthcare, a cleaner greener country while cutting our dependence on foreign oil, helping the poor, ecetera.

A bit hypocritical for Senator McCain to demand an apology from Senator Obama, because he used the same lipstick analogy. Is this Obama's way of saying if you can use my lines I can use yours too? 

It's understandable if the McCain/Palin ticket seem desperate for new material, because reciting the same speech at every public appearance they make is getting pretty old. They repeat their speeches so much that whenever I tune in to watch, I immediately know what they're going to say before they even say it! Sad isn't it? That's how you know they need new material.

But we need to see more of Governor Palin; more interviews need to be conducted so she can express where she stands on certain issues, and how she would bring about change to America.

2008 LA
