Good Verses Evil

When thinking of good and evil doesn't it remind you of scary movies? Like 'Devils Advocate'; a film where good verses evil is prominently displayed.

In the movie actor Al Pachino played the bad guy (devil), and actor Keanu Reeves played the good guy. Throughout the film the devil plotted and planned as he used trickery to prey on innocent people, but "good" always seemed to show up just in time. The film expressed how the devil is always lurking and waiting to descend on its prey, catching "the good" off guard until it is forced to fight back. 

Does the current presidential election seem like a battle between good verses evil? Not that I like to call anyone evil but when an administration's policies only favor the richest few, all while crushing the middle class and the poor -- it does...kind of...sound like the definition of "evil."

There's a saying that goes, "I'd rather be the boss and have 100 little people working for me, than be one of the little people trying to climb up the ladder."   

Almost like a pyramid -- as the government would be right at the top, controlling our taxes, jobs, health care, food safety, pharmaceutical safety, oil, land, schools, utilities, housing and banks; and everyone else is at the bottom of the pyramid trying to find a ladder. 

Some republicans comment that it isn't their fault they work harder than democrats, which ultimately makes them richer. But it isn't working hard when wealth is inherited, and/or gained from others' efforts.

If someone has millions or billions of dollars, why would he or she make it harder for another person to eat? 

Is it because money brings power and certain people only want all the power, this way the aggregation of wealth passes on to their next generations and completely X's out all others?

Republicans comprehend well that should Senator Obama become president, their plans more-or-less could be derailed. However, this country is called the "United" States of America for a reason.

Register to vote before October 6th and in November, vote for Barack Obama/Joe Biden, the change we so desperately need in Washington.

2008 LA
