My Thoughts On the Republican National Convention 2008

Remarks made by former Republican Mayor of New York Rudy Guiliani, and a host of other speakers at the RNC, caused much hoopla as they purposely targeted and bashed Senator Barack Obama.

Watching the RNC; I was completely bored out of my mind! First of all, the McCain/Palin audience was extremely rude and as different speakers took to the stage, camera shots showed the audience walking around in the aisles talking and laughing with their neighbors, completely oblivious to the speakers. 

Could the audience comprehend what the speakers were saying? Is that why they weren't listening? 

Furthermore, when the audience did finally focus in on the speakers, it was only when they made snide remarks about Senator Obama, Democrats, and the American people. Vicious snarls made the Republican audience perk up and cheer, almost as if it were understood that being a bully was better than being a civilized listener. 

Which was the case with former Republican Mayor of New York Rudy Guiliani, whose speech was boring, boring, boring, and he couldn't seem to get his audience's attention, but when he reverted to using ignorant rhetoric as his saving grace against Senator Obama, it worked.

"We the people get to decide the election, not no left wing people and not no Hollywood celebrities," yelled Guiliani.

Cheers and laughter filled the arena with Guiliani smiling, while gearing up for his next intentional attack, "If I were Joe Biden, I'd want to get that V.P. thing in writing. Change is not a destination and hope is not a strategy!"

And his most sarcastic comment of the night which solidified just how much the former mayor of New York despises Obama, "Sorry Barack if Governor Palin's home state isn't cosmopolitan enough and isn't flashy enough. He's a community organizer, I mean really," as he laughed facetiously.

My jaw was permanently dropped open for about 2 minutes, because I couldn't believe how evil he was being. Rudy Guiliani certainly doesn't want the kind of change Senator Obama speaks of, because it means he'll actually be taxed for the 53 billion dollars he's sitting on, according to Forbes. 

How does a mayor earn 53 billion dollars anyway? Was his salary 3 billion a year? Washington sure has been good to Guiliani, huh?

Another attack against Obama was led by Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, a Republican from Georgia that stated, "Just from what little I've seen of her and Mister Obama, Senator Obama, they're a member of an elitist class individual that thinks that they're uppity." 

When a reporter sought clarification on the racially charged words Westmoreland replied, "Uppity, yeah."

Is the Republicans winning strategy based on talking smack about Barack and his wife?  

Senator Obama raising taxes seems to be the GOP's main focus when speaking to their audience, yet they never stop to break down in detail whose taxes Obama plans to raise, because it would single-handily point the finger at our elitist Republican friends. When they yell that Obama will raise your taxes they're only speaking to a select group, and if you're not Republican and rich they're not talking to you. How would the "not-so-rich" republican base feel, if they knew that they were being told to vote against their own self-interest?

As the RNC pressed on showing edited video footage of Cindy McCain and Governor Sarah Palin, which was both informative and interesting; as Palin took to the stage right after the footage was finished playing -- I must admit, I didn't think she would be a viable contender but she came out strong and confident while throwing blows at the Obama campaign. The majority of her speech was focused on attacking Senator Obama, as if she were in fact running for president. 

All I could think was "Governor Palin, don't tell me about Barack Obama I know about him already, I'm interested in hearing what your plans are to fix this ailing economy which your Republican colleague George W. Bush, helped to create."

Reportedly, Karl Rove former Senior advisor to George W. Bush, wrote Governor Palin's RNC speech and seems to be the mastermind behind the McCain campaign. 

Top Republicans were a no-call no-show at the RNC, out of fear they may hurt McCain's campaign; George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and Condeleeza Rice weren't in attendance. But the American people are fully aware of the ties between Bush and McCain, and them not showing up only made it more noticeable. If they weren't being corrupt than they wouldn't need to run and hide, right? 

How does one have the cojones to cause havoc and corruption within our country, but no cojones to show up at their own convention; comical to say the least?

Not only were top GOP officials missing from their seats, it would seem that filling seats period proved difficult for republicans, as cameramen tried shooting close range shots to not make the emptiness within the arena so obvious. 

However, Senator Obama didn't have that problem as he filled just about every seat each night of the Democratic National Convention. And right after Sarah Palin made her speech at the RNC, the Obama campaign racked in 8 million dollars from supporters the very next day! I guess some Americans weren't impressed with the McCain/Palin ticket?

The final day of the RNC, Cindy McCain gave her speech which was so boring my attention went elsewhere. She then introduced her husband John McCain, who made his way to the stage to deliver his speech. He didn't speak to any key issues currently plaguing our society, and what he did speak about wasn't convincing. I wanted republicans to speak on John McCain's most recent accomplishments; things that he did for the betterment of our country, but focus was only given to the past -- when he was in his 20's. John McCain is currently in his 70's, so what about now? He fought in the military decades ago, give me some new information!

2008 LA
