Socialism and Capitalism: Which One Are You For?
The pyramid (seen-r) depicts capitalism; apparently "socialism" would be this pyramid upside down.
Socialism: means common ownership. Everybody having
the right to participate in decisions on how global resources
will be used. It means nobody being able to take personal
control of resources beyond their own personal
Capitalism: is
producing and distributing goods which are owned by a minority -- hint Republicans and we refer to this group of people as the
capitalist class. The majority of people must sell their
ability to work, in return for a wage or salary (who we refer
to as the working class.)
The working class are paid to produce goods and services which are then sold for a profit. The profit is gained by the capitalist class because they make more money, selling what we've produced than it'd cost to buy on the labor market. In this sense, the working class is exploited by the capitalist class. The capitalist lives off profits gained by exploiting the working class, while reinvesting some of their profits for further accumulation of wealth.
The working class are paid to produce goods and services which are then sold for a profit. The profit is gained by the capitalist class because they make more money, selling what we've produced than it'd cost to buy on the labor market. In this sense, the working class is exploited by the capitalist class. The capitalist lives off profits gained by exploiting the working class, while reinvesting some of their profits for further accumulation of wealth.
Republicans in Congress brand President Obama, as if he's the new poster boy for socialism. They use the word "socialism" as if it's the most revolting thing, however, the definition seems to suggest otherwise.
The best way for me to explain socialism in comparison to capitalism: is a small town in rural Pennsylvania, with a population of 60,000 people all working together to build up their tight knit community for the good of their families. These people own boutiques, corner stores, and mom and pop cafes, which will one day pass on to future generations. Everyone has fair access to resources (land, factories, technology, transportation systems etc) that will enable their businesses, as well as the needs of their customers.
The best way for me to explain socialism in comparison to capitalism: is a small town in rural Pennsylvania, with a population of 60,000 people all working together to build up their tight knit community for the good of their families. These people own boutiques, corner stores, and mom and pop cafes, which will one day pass on to future generations. Everyone has fair access to resources (land, factories, technology, transportation systems etc) that will enable their businesses, as well as the needs of their customers.
Then big time capitalists come into this small tight knit community, looking for an opportunity to become wealthier than they already are. Capitalists use their money and power to buy up resources that people of the town once had fair access too. This places constraints on small businesses; while capitalists plank down a few Walmart's, Target's, and other huge corporations as a way to drive small business away from its owners, and into the capitalists' massive private equity funds.
Did I paint a clear enough picture for you?
This has been an ongoing battle between Democrats and Republicans for decades. Democrats believe all Americans should have a fair shot at being successful in this country, while Republicans feel to many Americans having a fair shot diminishes their chances of making more money while creating much competition for them in the process. So we have a constant tug of war battle between the uber rich, the middle class, and the poor, who are desperate to stop the oppressive nature of these venture capitalists.
This has been an ongoing battle between Democrats and Republicans for decades. Democrats believe all Americans should have a fair shot at being successful in this country, while Republicans feel to many Americans having a fair shot diminishes their chances of making more money while creating much competition for them in the process. So we have a constant tug of war battle between the uber rich, the middle class, and the poor, who are desperate to stop the oppressive nature of these venture capitalists.
During the George W. Bush presidency this same capitalistic model on steroids mimicked how government was ran, which included deregulation of banks and major corporations such as (AIG, Goldman Sachs, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Indy Mac Bank), which in turn opened the flood gates for the American people to be robbed blindly while leaving us to foot the bill and/or deficit that President Obama, inherited shortly after his inauguration.
So when Republicans cry out that President Obama is running up the country's debt and that our grandchildren will be paying back America's debt for years to come, they only speak of themselves who exploited the middle class for personal gain while using their capitalist ways to bankrupt our country.
So when Republicans cry out that President Obama is running up the country's debt and that our grandchildren will be paying back America's debt for years to come, they only speak of themselves who exploited the middle class for personal gain while using their capitalist ways to bankrupt our country.
President Obama has been bi-partisan, while trying to push this country forward with a "do nothing" congress.
He created over 4 million jobs in the private sector over the last two and a half years, more than his predecessor did within his 8 years in office. Recent job numbers for the month of May display upward growth of only 69,000 jobs created, and Republicans are relishing in the destruction that they've caused by being partisan.
The GOP purposely worked against Obama in hopes that the economy would get worse to make them look better, but what Republicans fail to realize is that Americans aren't as dumb as they think we are. This country is rising up and paying attention to the political process like never before, and we firmly understand who's for the betterment of all Americans and who's strictly for the rich.
He created over 4 million jobs in the private sector over the last two and a half years, more than his predecessor did within his 8 years in office. Recent job numbers for the month of May display upward growth of only 69,000 jobs created, and Republicans are relishing in the destruction that they've caused by being partisan.
The GOP purposely worked against Obama in hopes that the economy would get worse to make them look better, but what Republicans fail to realize is that Americans aren't as dumb as they think we are. This country is rising up and paying attention to the political process like never before, and we firmly understand who's for the betterment of all Americans and who's strictly for the rich.
I believe socialism and capitalism can work hand and hand, but only when we have Americans best interests at heart and not just the interest of a select few -- hint, Mitt Romney.
2012 LA
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