Mitt Romney's World Of Plutocracy

Corporate welfare: is defined generally as any assistance provided by a government, which gives a private business an advantage over others. 

In the United States corporate welfare refers to any number of favors which costs billions of dollars paid by the taxpayer, and benefits corporations by the hands of the federal government which includes but is not limited to, tax breaks, direct grants for corporations, and other forms of favorable treatment. 

Por ejemplo: In 2008 when major corporations such as AIG, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, Indy Mac Bank, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac went bankrupt, the federal government stepped in to bail out these companies to protect the business and its employees. This is considered corporate welfare; when companies/capitalists suck the revenue out of a business like blood sucking vampires. This same method is also used by Republican Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney.

Kansas City's GST Steel company was a business for 105 years, until Bain Capital (a company owned and ran by Mitt Romney) bought the company and extracted profit in anyway that it could. The ending result of GST Steel was bankruptcy, and employees being denied their full pensions and health benefits. 

The United States government was forced to bail out the pension fund to help employees, while the steel plant lost 750 jobs in the process. Bain Capital invested 8 million to buy the business, and walked away with 12 million after the collapse. 

Mitt Romney's actions were totally immoral and left GST Steel desolate. Clearly, the practice of putting profit over people at any cost is the venture capitalist way.

“Bain got its money back quickly. The new company issued $125 million in bonds and paid Bain a $36.1 million dividend in 1994.” (Reuters 1/6/12)

The current Republican party in The House and in Congress, could care less about creating jobs because they destroy them. They could care less about Obamacare, because it doesn't benefit their pockets nor their lobbyist friends. They could care less about entitlement programs like medicare, medicaid, and social security, because they feel they shouldn't have to contribute. They could care less about education for public schools, because it isn't private equity and only seeks to make more Americans smart enough to figure them out. 

And they definitely don't care about government workers; teachers, police officers, and fire fighters, because they see it as another form of payment to help those they could care less about -- like the middle class and the working poor.  

Mitt Romney has proudly professed to laying off more teachers, police officers, and fire fighters, should he become president of the United States. He feels America has enough government workers, so much so, that he's willing to expunge the very people that majorly affect our society as a whole. 

In 2012, America ranks in 17th place for academics against other countries, but America is the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world so how is it possible that our children aren't educated enough to compete with today's evolving economy? But I guess laying off more teachers is the answer according to Mitt Romney.

Mr. Romney's record as governor and as a businessman, if elected president, he will surely use his venture capitalist methods to further bankrupt and obstruct this country, until we either have to relocate to another country for survival purposes or be confined as workers to sweatshops with no unions to protect us, and no moral government to lend a helping hand.

For more information on Mitt Romney's record click here.
2012 LA 
