Mitt Romney Dodges 7 Key Issues

Seven Major Issues Mitt Romney Won't Take A Position On:

1. President Obama's New Immigration Policy - Undocumented immigrant youth brought to America by their parents at no fault of their own, are halted from deportation practices and allowed to stay as documented Americans temporarily for the first 2 years, until more permanent laws are put in place. 66 percent of Americans agree with this new policy, verses 26 percent of Americans that do not.

2. Paycheck Fairness Act - Census Bureau data shows that women made 77 cents on the male dollar in 2008; a discriminatory practice against women that President Obama wants to make fair and equal.

3. Tax loopholes - President Obama wants to close the tax bubble between the wealthiest Americans and the middle class, by proposing that the wealthiest Americans pay more in taxes; currently the middle class and the working poor pay more in taxes than the rich.

4. Federal Agency Cuts - Another reason President Obama wants the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share, is so that important federally funded programs such as medicare, medicaid, and social security, won't have a devastating impact on millions of Americans.

5. Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act - A bill President Obama passed to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, to modify the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, so that compensation is administered if discriminatory actions occur due to no equal pay for equal work.

6. Violence Against Women Act - The Act provides $1.6 billion dollars toward investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women. When President Obama tried renewing this Act in 2012, it was fiercely opposed by Republicans.

7. "Carried Interest" Tax Break - The "carried interest" tax break allows hedge fund managers and private equity managers, at privately held partnerships to treat most of their income as capital gains, allowing it to be taxed at 15 percent and costing the government billions in tax revenue. 

President Obama proposes to tax "carried-interest" income earned by hedge fund managers and private equity partners at ordinary income rates, raising $13 billion dollars over a decade.

All 7 of these issues are extremely important -- and the American people have the right to know where Mitt Romney stands. Would you vote for a candidate if you didn't know where he/she stood on key issues? 

I sure wouldn't.

2012 LA
