RNC Denounces Racist Song But Not Really

Former Tennessee Republican leader Chip Saltsman (seen above), recently released a song titled "Barack the Magic Negro" and as a result, the Republican National Committee had to issue an official apology to African Americans calling it "tone-deaf," "unacceptable," and "offensive to every negro in the country."  

In the RNC's words, "We do not want one ill-considered song parody to create the wrong impression" the RNC statement continued, "The Republican Party has always been, and will always be, a friend of the negro." 

Hours after releasing this official apology the RNC issued a second apology, apologizing for the first apology. "It has come to our attention that we misused a word in our first apology," the RNC statement read. "We should have capitalized "Negro."

Don't only fascists and racists use the word Negro? Why couldn't the RNC use the term African American which is the modern term?

If you had a cat, you'd call him a cat not a dog because that's what it is. You wouldn't call your barber a maid, you'd call him a barber because that's what he is. So the fact that the RNC would call African Americans Negro's when that isn't what we are, shows what they truly think about us.  Racism has been heating up since the election of Obama, and republicans are less discreet about hiding it.

Progression among race relations have been more regressive than ever and if you have any doubts, just look at the shortage of minorities within the senate. Republicans were probably fearful that to many black people in the senate, might result in what we're witnessing today -- having a black president.

I think 2009 will be an interesting year for politics.

2009 LA


  1. The RNC apology that you are referring to is satirical and was not submitted by the RNC. The apology was written by satirist Andy Borowitz (NAACP Award Winner for work on The Fresh Prince-and not an RNC fanboy). Many RNC members stated publicly that the distribution of the cd was appalling and shameful. The apology is so over the top, it is hard to believe that anyone took it as official. Such a official statement would have killed an already cripped political party


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