Senator John Edwards Admits to Infidelity During Campaign

Senator John Edwards (seen-r) allegedly had an affair with writer/director Rielle Hunter. 

Apparently, Edwards met Ms. Hunter in a bar and was thoroughly impressed enough to hire her to film his campaign. Ms. Hunter would end up traveling all over the world with Edwards, but recent photos have surfaced with the young director looking extremely pregnant. 

Although Edwards denied having fathered Hunter's child, key witnesses have already confessed to seeing Edwards with Ms. Hunter just days ago. 

Were they meeting up in order to get their story straight for the media, and to make sure both parties agreed on saying Edward's is not the father; well at least until the election is over that is? Supposedly, the baby will be born after the election which saves him from a DNA test for awhile.

Marital affairs happen everyday and John Edwards, isn't the first guy to cheat nor will he be the last. Like so many before him; Jesse Jackson, Newt Gingrich, Eliot Spitzer, and Bill Clinton, just to name a few.

Being a public figure automatically puts you on display and Edwards' high powered position and outstanding reputation, doesn't remove the fact that he's human and shouldn't be placed on a pedestal. He disrespected his marriage of 30 years and ought to be ashamed of himself for being so reckless, while hurting his wife in her final days on this earth.

Senator Edward's lied several times when confronted about his affair, but did you really think he was going to admit it? 

He confessed his infidelity to his wife back in 2006 and his wife forgave him a long time ago, so if his wife forgave him that's all that matters. There are more important topics of discussion to concentrate on such as the United States of America, falling to pieces under a corrupt government -- not someone's personal family issues.

Will the Democratic party be affected by Edwards' controversy?

Why would it? John Edwards' infidelity should have nothing to do with the governments progress within the senate. He hurt his own image and disappointed his family, he has to deal with that not us. So lets stay focused on the issues at hand and move on.

2008 LA
