Death by Taser from a Severe Case of Racism

Winnfield, Louisiana, is a small town of 4,717 residents and half that number make up the African American population.

On January 12, 2008, 21 year old Baron 'Scooter' Pikes (seen-r) was arrested on cocaine charges. It was an arrest gone bad as Officer Scott Nugent, a white police officer from the Winnfield Police department arrested Pikes first and then began to taser him. Officer Nugent shocked the victim a total of 9x with the 50 thousand volt taser! 

Dr. Randolph Williams the Winn Parish Coroner told CNN, "the victim was shocked so many times, that he was probably dead before the last two shocks were delivered." 

Furthermore, a witness confessed the victim pleaded with officer Nugent for mercy, but the officer kept tasing the victim and after the 7th shock -- the victim lay motionless. 

Officer Nugent tried covering up Pikes' death by accusing the victim of being on drugs and having an asthma attack, which he says eventually caused Pikes to pass away. 

The officer violated protocol when he used the taser to the max capacity, and has recently been brought up on charges after an uproar of several dozen people protesting against the tragedy. Medical examiners ruled this case to be a homicide and officer Nugent, has been fired from the Winnfield Police department.

Is it me or is it a coincidence that the victim in question was a first cousin of Mychal Bell, the lead defendant in the Jena 6 case?

2008 LA
