Conservatives Work Harder than Liberals?

Watching C-Span today the guest on the show was Peter Schweizer, author of: Maker and Takers: Why Conservatives Work Harder, feel happier, have closer families, take fewer drugs, give more generously, value honesty more, are less materialistic and envious, whine less, and even hug their children more than liberals.

Peter Schweizer made his case that conservatives believe in working hard and making money, while liberals just take and have no form of work ethic. The author then comments that conservatives are more honest and generous than liberals. 

If conservatives were more honest why would George W. Bush, purposely put our troops in harms way?  

Our troops entered this war believing they needed to protect us from terror, little did they know, Bush entered into this war solely for the purpose of crude oil. Just think about it the current stocks are plummeting but the oil stocks are high, high, high! 

Why do you ask? 

Because Americans are addicted to oil and we'll continue buying oil -- because we're to dependent on it, unless we learn to make our own clean energy products.

Senator McCain slipped up with the truth on the Iraq invasion while addressing a campaign crowd stating, "I will have an energy policy which will eliminate our dependence on oil from Middle East that will then prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East."

                                         George W. Bush seen-l with his Saudi oil friends

Where were we? Hugs, honesty, generosity, ah yes, author Peter Schweizer then states in his book that conservatives whine less and are less materialistic.

What exactly does he think liberals whine about? Surely he couldn't be speaking about slavery, civil rights, racial discrimination, unity among the races, women's rights, equal pay, better housing, better school systems, and an overall better way of living. He couldn't be talking about that because that isn't considered whining, it's considered standing up for rights and freedoms that are naturally ours to begin with and can't be bought or sold. 

Conservatives are less materialistic? 

Most conservatives have had a head start in the financial game. They've inherited wealth from family members or spouses that continuously pass on through generations. It's easy to say you're not materialistic when you grew up having everything that would benefit you having a comfortable lifestyle.

Many liberals didn't have that advantage and as a result, had to work hard and struggle for everything they do have. How can you be materialistic if you don't have the money to buy materials with?

And in regards to conservatives using less drugs than liberals. 

Ha! What a crock! Let's research how drugs made it into America in the first place.

So to the author Peter Schweizer on your book, Makers and Takers: Why Conservatives Work Harder Than Liberals.

Based on historical facts it would seem that some conservatives were the takers of people's rights, and liberals are the makers of this country and of justice being served. 

2008 LA
