Is Nevada Becoming the State of Stupid?

Earlier this year it was reported that the state of Nevada, came in 49th place in the entire nation with regards to academics. This information was extremely troubling to many Nevadans, who send their children off to school expecting them too receive a good education.

But with the latest news of UNLV (University of Las Vegas) -- a division one university, receiving a penalty flag from the NCAA while making the football team no longer eligible for post-season play next year due to them not making their grades according to the NCAA academic standards, it makes you wonder why education doesn't seem to be a strong priority within this wild, wild, west state?

Although UNLV appealed the NCAA's decision several times they were denied every single time, with the last denial date being April 9, 2014. All football players must adhere to give up 4 hours of practice time a week in exchange for study hall.

Furthermore, it has also been reported that the administrators of the Matt Kelly Elementary school in Las Vegas, took it upon themselves to erase and rewrite correct answers on their students' CRT tests!
It would seem that the city of Las Vegas was founded by mobsters who created the casino nightlife for entertainment purposes, and it seems that "entertainment" purposes is all that really matters to the state as employees fill the casinos -- while racking in big bucks for their corporate CEO's.

Moreover, since Las Vegas casino's are the biggest moneymakers within the city, do they purposely not donate funds to the many schools within Nevada as a way of securing the next generation of employees to fill their establishments?

Think about it; does one really need a bachelors, masters, or PhD degree to clean hotel rooms, be a waitress, a dealer, valet, a ticket seller, or work in a retail shop?

Does this "casino culture" give future generations a fair shot at acquiring significant careers, or is it simply dumbing down Nevadans in which they have no motivation to want better as a result of having a poor education -- that doesn't tell them that they can do better?

There has been a constant "tug of war" battle between the Nevada state government and the Nevada school system for decades, with teachers and students constantly crying out for funds in order to purchase much needed school resources -- but to no avail. Instead, it was reported that the state of Nevada actually used the majority of the schools' trust funds (land), and sold it off to the highest bidders without any gained revenue being used for the school system.

Uneducated individuals can be extremely dangerous as it's easier for them to believe third party interpretations, because they don't know well enough to do the research for themselves and can also be borderline illiterate, which leaves a person vulnerable as well as susceptible to all kind of predators that prey upon them for various reasons whether it be political, religious, social, economical etc.

Real leadership is desperately needed in the state of Nevada with respect to education for the children, because should the trend of uneducated kids continue -- it will constantly breed a dangerous environment of vulnerability, the teen suicide rate in Nevada will continue to spike higher and higher, more pedophiles will keep trying to get into the school systems, and more children will turn to drugs and/or alcohol as a means of coping with depression.

Basically, the children in the Silver state are crying out but their voices remain muffled amongst the "entertainment", that seems to take precedence over their well being.

2014 LA
