Scott Walker Wants to Divide and Conquer Wisconsin Residents

Republican Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker apparently is good for telling his constituents what they want to hear to win elections, and once he wins he does the complete opposite of what he promises. 

In a video below, Scott Walker promises one of his wealthiest donors that once he wins the election his method to turn Wisconsin into a red state, would be a strategy he likes to call "Divide and Conquer".

Purposely destroying unions is a strategic method used to drive hourly wages down, as Walker aims to make the state of Wisconsin a "right to work state."

Moreover, due to Walker's lying and cheating ways from the past the governor was kicked out of Marquette college, and it would seem that he has brought those same corrupt values into the present moment, in turn causing his recent actions of betrayal and fraud to be prosecuted due to criminal misconduct. 

Is the plan to "divide and conquer" indoctrinated by all Republicans, who receive and attain control over certain states?

2012 LA
