Breaking News: Barack Obama's Grandmother Dies

Madelyn Dunham, grandmother of President-elect Barack Obama, has passed away today due to her long battle with cancer. 

Is it coincidental that his grandmother passed away the day before the presidential election? Almost as if she can rest now because she knows what is to come?
The saying does go that, "God never closes a door without opening another" and for Obama, hopefully the door leads him to the oval office. 

Senator Obama made it his point to visit his grandmother (affectionately named Toot) before she passed away, because he wasn't present when his own mother died of cancer and vowed to never make the same mistake twice.

When Obama left the campaign trail to visit with his dying grandmother the McCain camp commented, that he only went to try and appear like a "decent family man," in order to boost his electoral votes. I wonder what they have to say for themselves now?

I wish Barack's grandmother could have lived to see tomorrow happen, but I'm sure she'll join her husband Stanley Dunham along with their daughter, as a group of angels surrounding him and giving him the endurance that he needs. 

My condolences to the Obama family during their time of grief, in which I'm sure Senator Obama will make a tribute to his grandmother's life tonight at his campaign rally. 
2008 LA 
