This Barbarian is Dunn

Photo by Reuters

Guilty of attempted murder was the verdict read yesterday, as the case file closed to the killing of 17 year old Jordan Davis. 

Michael Dunn a 47 year old software developer and murderer at hand wasn't charged with the killing of a high school child, and although his current sentences will carry him into a lifetime it's still difficult to comprehend why he wasn't charged with first degree murder, especially when evidence showed that only he, the killer, had a gun. 

However, the fact that Dunn did receive jail time for his heinous actions calls in to question the Trayvon Martin trial, in which Martin also had no weapon but instead a can of ice tea and skittles and was gunned down by Floridian George Zimmerman, who received a not guilty verdict due to the lynching "Stand your ground" law.

The defendant used the terms "thug" and "gangster" when describing Mr. Davis and his friends who sat in a parked vehicle listening to loud music that Dunn detested, and allegedly because he felt disrespected that was key for him to pull out his gun and fire 10 shots at 4 innocent teenagers. 

Although justice was served for the 3 victims still alive it wasn't served for Jordan Davis, whose blood still remains on Dunns' hands. Hopefully, a retrial will be explored in order to bring about first degree murder charges against Dunn and  Zimmerman. This kind of barbarism shouldn't be glorified by people or media, as it can play to the sick minds of racist individuals who secretly wish for the status quo. 

It was reported that Michael Dunn was surprised that he was charged; was it because George Zimmerman got off scot free with his murder and Dunn felt he could do the same? Was Zimmerman's trial more the reason why Dunn opted to kill instead of ignoring? 

NFL player Richard Sherman stated that the term, "Thug is accepted way of calling someone the N-word." 

Does this mean that whenever black males hear white males use the slang term "thug," should that be cue for them to make their exit? Come on America, we have to do better than this.

2014 LA
