Who Won The First Presidential Debate of 2012?

Nineteen hours ago at the University of Colorado, the first presidential debate of 2012 commenced.

My ears are still ringing; mostly from the huge lies Mitt Romney told (seen above-l), but especially because of how brutal the media was towards President Obama (seen above-r) afterwards! 

News host's ripped Obama for failing the debate, in part, because they felt Mitt Romney dominated the entire event. It's understandable where these hosts were coming from but I was appalled at how oblivious they seemed to Mitt Romney's bullying tactics and lies, verses President Obama's substantive argument. 

It appeared as if the hosts were equating Romney's aggressive debate style to President Obama's calm and laid back demeanor, as it would seem that the more aggressive a candidate appeared ultimately determined who won the debate; but I beg to differ.

Executive Editor of the PBS News Hour Jim Lehrer, was the moderator for last night's first presidential debate and I can only hope that he doesn't moderate the last two. 

Mr. Lehrer did a great job opening the debate and educating the candidates on the evenings topics which were domestic issues; three questions on economy, one question on health care, and one question on the role of government with a two minute closing argument at the end. 

However, Mr. Lehrer's title of moderator didn't prove to be successful as Governor Romney overrode him at every turn, which Romney did especially well considering his years of bullying experience he has under his belt. 

The governor also made sure to have the last word after every major topic discussed and he absolutely would not let President Obama have the last say, and I guess rightfully so if that was his plan to win. So it's clearly understood why people felt that Romney dominated the debate. 

Americans probably expected President Obama to come out swinging over the major gaffes that Mitt Romney seemed incessant about making, over the Obama administration during the course of his entire campaign. 

Moreover, the public uproar over Romney's "47 percent of Americans are moochers" comment, the republican war on women's reproductive rights, obliterating the middle class with huge tax hikes of 5 trillion dollars that would give more money to the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans while taking from the less privileged, are just some of the issues that Americans have with the former Massachusetts governor.

 Msnbc host Ed Schultz, became fiery and bewildered that Romney seemed to get the best of President Obama, and although it's understandable that Ed wanted Obama to go off on Romney the way he himself often rips into republicans on his one hour news show, being the president of the United States of America -- Obama seems to understand how important character control is. 
We've all come to know and love our president; the calm, cool, and collected individual that we voted into office. Why must he change his character now just to satisfy those that were waiting for a boxing match to ensue? 

People should understand that being aggressive, being loud, giving nasty looks, cutting another person with a sharp tongue, and being an overall "bully" doesn't mean that you're more tough or more right, it just means you're more apt to being mean to get your way. I prefer a president who thinks rationally and stays calm while being decisive, rather than a loud mouth who gets easily excited and spews out whatever comes to mind.

President Obama more or less seemed confused at the fact that Mitt Romney, continued to blatantly lie that he wouldn't increase the deficit by $5 trillion dollars by giving more tax cuts to the rich. I'm sure many Americans not just President Obama, were completely blind-sided by this republican tactic since the Paul Ryan's budget was what Romney ran on for his entire campaign, and last night he decided to pull a "etch-a-sketch" moment during the debate. 

Instead of owning up to his lies Mitt Romney did a complete 360 to make it seem as if President Obama, had lied on him the entire time while stating "I've got 5 boys, I'm used to people saying something over and over so I'll believe it." 

Clearly the Romney strategy for winning the debates is speaking erroneously about any and everything however, the question still remains of "will Mitt Romney's strategy actually work?"

The stark differences between Obama and Romney with regards to debate style, is that Obama gives specific facts, numbers, and details as to how his budget plan will work for the American people, while Romney is rather vague and chooses to not give specifics or detailed numbers in any part of his budget plan.

During the debate both candidates were asked to give their individual assessments on how to move the economy forward, with Obama stating that taxes will not increase on anyone making 250 thousand dollars or less. Obama tooted his record for cutting small business taxes 18 times, and that he was successful in lowering taxes for the middle class. 

The President believes in investing in education as he understands that knowledge, is the way to attain more skillful workers for the latest innovative jobs of tomorrow. The POTUS made it his point to warn Americans that Mitt Romney's tax plan, will severely cut funds for education making it less affordable and even more expensive.  
The mittster shot back with an argument that President Obama, plans to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and that corporations would be hit hardest.

But the former Illinois senator simply stated that he felt oil subsidies for corporations like Exxon Mobil, who rake in billions of dollars a year could afford to not have a tax break, while we work to get the middle class back on track. 

Both candidates addressed the health care issue on social security and medicare with Obama, stating that under his administration there would be no changes to the current setup of social security and medicare which Americans pay into all their lives, as he feels the medicare program has worked just fine over the past decades and shouldn't be changed. 

However, Mitt Romney would change the current medicare/social security setup to a voucher plan, that wouldn't guarantee that a person could retire with dignity and comfort. Romney stated he wouldn't change medicare and social security for anyone 60 years of age and older, but he admitted that he would begin the medicare/social security voucher change for those that are 55 years old and younger. 

Governor Romney stated that hospitals and nursing home facilities would take a huge hit under Obama's tax plan, and would discourage doctors from seeing medicare patients at all. 

But President Obama is adamant about wasteful spending and overpaying insurance companies unnecessarily, in which he educated Americans that due to the overpaying too insurance companies, as a result the American people will receive rebate checks. He also made it a point that one of the biggest providers of health insurance for seniors is AARP, who agrees with his plan for securing entitlement programs and disagrees with Mitt Romney's plan which states he would leave seniors at the mercy of insurance companies while "weakening Medicare considerably."
Both candidates were asked, "how would they deal with the partisan gridlock in Congress?"

Governor Romney simply said on his first day in office he'd sit down with both parties, and President Obama stated he would take ideas from anywhere as long as it advances growth for the middle class. Obama also stated that one way to be a leader is by describing exactly what you'll do, not just say "you'll have a sit down." 

The POTUS stated, "that a leader must know when to say no to certain things, and Mitt Romney hasn't shown a willingness to not say no to his party throughout his entire campaign." 

 As Obama tooted his horn regarding the 5 million private sector jobs created over the span of 3 and a half years, it was confusing as to why he didn't speak on his jobs bill that would put more than 4 million people back to work, in which republicans constantly rally against this effort.

Wishing to return back too the Bill Clinton days of taxes where the middle class can thrive again; Obama fiercely rejects Governor Romney's plan to increase taxes on the middle class and the poor, while giving more tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans who he claims are the "job creators."

It's unequivocally clear that Mitt Romney's aim is to work and invest in corporations, while President Obama wants to continue working hard for all American people. 

Interesting how Romney pushes for states to call all the shots when it comes to what's right for the American people's livelihood, but expects to still receive taxpayer dollars or as President Obama put it "corporate welfare", in order to sustain power and control over the American people and our hard earned money.

Republicans wish to mimic what New Jersey Governor Chris Christie stated in his RNC speech, which is to be "masters of our own." They want to be president's of their own states while using taxpayer dollars to run the towns however they see fit. They defy the federal government and the President, but only because Obama urges them to take responsibility for their corrupt actions against the American people as Obama believes that government should protect Americans from such harsh actions -- and I concur. 

Republicans hate "big" government but only love it when it seeks to benefit their pockets with millions of taxpayer dollars. Unbelievable!
The Vice Presidential debate will be October 11, 2012, in Danville, Kentucky. 

Click here to view the entire first presidential debate from last night. 

On a side note: There was a time during the debate on health care that Mitt Romney looked at President Obama and commented, 

"I would like to take the Medicaid dollars, give them to the states, and say to the states you're going to get what you got last year, plus inflation, plus 1 percent, and you're going to manage your care for your poor in the way you think best." 

Does no one see the problem with how he said "your poor", as if poor people were the most revolting thing? The viciousness in his voice as he spoke these words were as if he had a bad taste in his mouth, but this comment of course was just the icing on the cake from his "47%" message caught on video tape. 


2012 LA
