The Republican National Convention 2012

Last Tuesday, began the Republican National Convention in which I had already predetermined that the convention wouldn't be much different from the 2008 convention.

The obvious sameness was the fact that top Republicans, once again skipped out on their own convention. Former President George W. Bush, former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, obviously didn't want to remind people that they caused America's second great depression. Even former VP candidate Sarah Palin was missing.

However Condoleezza Rice decided to break the habit of absence, and made an appearance to show full support for Republican Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney. 

The republican crowd displayed a sea of white faces with specks of brown faces here and there. Some speakers made the point that the Republican party should diversify, and actually try to reach out to minorities. This rhetoric I felt only came about due to the zero percent of Blacks that didn't vote for Mitt Romney, as well as under 30 percent of Hispanics.

Furthermore, it's difficult for minorities to be for a republican ticket, as their planned strategy is geared towards making minority circumstances worse. And now that America's demographics are changing making minorities the majority, it has become abundantly clear to republicans that they will need more than just the "white vote" to win The White House.

In past decades republicans won The White House by the white vote alone, or as we're seeing today by stealing the American vote and initiating intimidation at the polls which the tea party group 'True the Vote', plan on doing this year.

Four years ago President Obama came on the scene and completely changed how Americans view politics. More Americans than ever before began paying close attention to the political process, exactly what republicans don't want us to do.
Above-l Congressman Ryan;Above-r Governor Romney  

Watching the Republican National Convention it's clear that the GOP are for free markets, entrepreneurship, socialism, capitalism, and trade agreements while insisting on raising taxes on the middle class and the poor and redistributing America's wealth from the bottom, to the top wealthiest 2 percent of Americans.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities immediate release statement, shows factual proof that a Romney/Ryan budget plan will "produce the largest redistribution of income from the bottom to the top in modern U.S. history."

Big oil is a main priority to Wall street and republicans are adamant about tapping into more oil and gas reserves, which to them is equivalent too a huge pay out. Under President Obama, domestic oil production is at a fourteen year high and dependence on foreign oil is at a twenty year low.

Moreover, the right-wing wishes to abolish school and work unions that protect the American people from predatory and discriminatory actions, and would rather privatize the school systems which would force parents -- rich or poor, to pay for their children to go to a school whether they can afford it or not which will make public schools a thing of the past.

Conservatives wish to deregulate banks and businesses as a way to exercise disingenuous transactions against a certain "race" of people, as was shown with mortgage predatory lending towards the majority of Blacks and Hispanics.

I learned from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's speech (seen above), Republican VP nominee Paul Ryan, and Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney, that they feel only a few people are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They feel that their children and grandchildren are the only leading entrepreneurs of tomorrow, and that prosperity should be in their hands alone.

They could care less about leveling the plain field for all Americans, because they feel that their children will lose a chance at success. They could care less about equality, because they feel that not all Americans are equal.

Freedom is the key word of choice that Mitt Romney used widely throughout his speech, and freedom is not something that he wishes for all Americans; if he did his budget plan would reflect this but unfortunately it doesn't.

I comprehend that conservatives despise welfare recipients, because they feel the poor should work hard to get what they want. I understand that they want to do away with Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and the Affordable Care Act, because they feel the funds for it shouldn't come from their pockets. And I even understand that the recent attacks on women's reproductive rights, is largely due to the demographics of America changing which will eventually rule out whites as the majority.

However, Republicans must know the statistical fact that poor people work harder than most, and if we don't help the working poor who will? If entitlement programs which all Americans pay into are abolished, than how would Americans survive during retirement?

The Affordable Care Act was deemed moral and ethical and was made the law of the land by the highest court in the nation, so why are republicans staunchly trying to repeal it without another plan to put in place of it?

Lastly, republicans in The House and in Congress, need not forget that it's the American taxpayers who foot the bill for their healthcare and their families healthcare. So it's ironic that the GOP are against "Obamacare" when in retrospect, Governor Romney implemented the same healthcare mandate into law as Governor of Massachusetts.

And it would seem that Mitt Romney was for the majority of democratic ideas before he was against them. I guess wanting to win the presidency so bad will make a person forget everything -- even morals and values?

The echoing mantra at the RNC of "You built it", was to make a case against the president that small business owners built their own businesses without any help. However, President Obama was merely stating that roads, highways, bridges, buildings, and small business government funds, all the things that help a small business thrive wasn't built by small business owner's themselves -- but by American taxpayers. 

The former Illinois senator made this case because republicans were preaching about BIG government, government not creating jobs, and government making the American people dependent. But government DOES create jobs, basically the public sector is government created positions that consist of teachers, fire fighters, police officers, mayors, governors, presidents, congressman, house members, senate members, libraries, recreational centers like the 'Boys and Girls' club, and the list goes on.

If Mitt Romney is so anti-government then why is he running for a government position? He should stay in the private sector where he's always been, right?

It's true that government can't solve all your problems, but government CAN be a security blanket with the right people in charge.

The White House sits at the top of a pyramid which houses all fifty-two states underneath it. Each state requires that lawmakers make good decisions, based on the needs of their constituents. Politicians are put in place by a single vote, and Americans expect politicians to work on behalf of those votes. The problem is we have certain lawmakers in place who completely erode the law, and instead choose to use their state platform as a personal casino.

When these things happen it's imperative that government steps in to get a handle on the situation, not just sit idly by and allow obstruction to continue; which is exactly what the president has done. Basically, Obama is like the principal of a school that had to reprimand his republican teachers for their bad behavior. With the reprimanding brought rules and regulations in order to make sure that what happened under the Bush presidency, wouldn't happen again.

But rules and regulations to republicans only mean that they must work harder, and actually be held accountable for every single transaction and action made. This makes their side dealings, pyramid schemes, and under the table bargaining with lobbyists even harder because government is watching. 

So when the GOP cries out to the American people that government is to big and intrusive, what they really mean is that government is to big and intrusive in their corporations -- hence, bribery. 

Conservatives were originally for socialism when only white men held all the power, and were the only ones to benefit from American success at one point in time. Now the tables are turned and more Americans are beginning to reap the benefits of "freedom", and republicans feel that they must turn back the hands of time in order to slow down the process of change, which to them means reverting back to an America that for many -- were more harder and stifled times.

Reversing the clock means that Americans would have to start from where our ancestors began, and would have too fight for every single right that we now have.

As msnbc host Rachel Maddow put it, "Here's the thing about rights; they're not supposed to be voted on. That's why they're called rights!"

2012 LA
