Post Democratic National Convention 2012

The Democratic National Convention is finally over and President Obama, appears to be in the best shape ever to be re-elected for a second term.

Obama's campaign finally out raised the Romney campaign last month by $114 million to Romney's $111 million. The DNC gave the president a much needed boost in the polls and much needed campaign funds.

These conventions are so important because it allows the misinformed to become educated on the issues. And with the latest poll numbers showing President Obama leading Romney by nine points, it would appear that more Americans are now aware of what's at stake in this election.

During the three days of the Democratic National Convention, my feelings were all over the place.

The first night I was super charged, energetic, and excited to witness the great speeches that would take place. The second night my emotions became more serious as I listened to the Special Advisor for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Elizabeth Warren (seen above), give a heartfelt and compassionate speech which boasted about family and how important this election is to preserve the family unit.

Mrs. Warren, is currently running for the U.S. Senate of Massachusetts against Republican Senator Scott Brown, and had a message for Mitt Romney -- denouncing his rhetoric that "corporations are people" by yelling out "corporations are not people, people have hearts and families."

Instantly, a light bulb went off in my head! That's it! Mitt Romney is a corporation! This is why he can't feel compassion! He's like a brick wall! And who can get through to a brick wall unless you knock it down?

Mitt Romney needs a BIG slice of humble pie and he better eat up quickly, because when he falls to his knees he's going to fall harder than most. I'm predicting the BIG fall will happen during the debates, so I hope Romney gears up for what may be the most humiliating time of his life.

Former Georgetown Law Student and women's rights activist Sandra Fluke (seen-r), made her debut on the second night of the DNC.

Ms. Fluke walked out on stage to an eruption of thunderous claps, whistles, and a standing ovation, making it clear that many Americans already knew her story, her face, and was clearly on her side.

Fluke used the stage this night to charge back at republican talk show host Rush Limbaugh for calling her a "slut," because she defended a woman's right to use contraception. She condemned republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, for not denouncing such "bigoted" rhetoric within his own party. And she reminded women again how the Republican party decided to redefine "rape," hinting towards the latest republican talking point made by U.S. Representative of Missouri Todd Akin, who stated in an interview that "rape" could actually be legitimate.

Her speech was strong, aggressive, persuasive, truthful, passionate, and stern. You could tell she wanted to paint a stark difference between the non-compassionate and misogynistic republicans, verses the ever compassionate and understanding Democratic party -- hence, President Obama.

Towards the end of her speech Ms. Fluke thanked the DNC crowd for not trying to silence her voice the way republicans did, "but instead gave her a microphone to amplify it."

'Nuns on the Bus' Director Sister Simone Campbell, spoke her peace on the Romney/Ryan budget plan calling it "a moral failure." The sister proceeded as she stated her disdain of Paul Ryan, using religion as a way of pushing through his budget plan. It's ironic that she should say this because Mitt Romney, is on the campaign trail right now tooting God as a reason of why people should vote for him!

Sister Campbell stated that, "Paul Ryan says this budget is in keeping with the moral values of our shared faith, I disagree. I am my sister's keeper, I am my brother's keeper!"

The DNC crowd went wild clapping after the Sister's comments, obviously in agreement that Americans should have each others backs.

What seemed most effective in my opinion were the average Americans sharing their stories on how government services helped them in critical situations; these are some of the same services that republicans are fiercely trying to remove.

A patient of Planned Parenthood that received much needed medical treatment after being turned away from doctor's in the private sector that couldn't properly diagnosis her, pleaded for Americans to vote for Obama because Romney would close all Planned Parenthood facilities. And Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, made an appearance showing her support for president Obama.

Air force veteran Ed Meagher, boasted about Obama giving veterans more access to health care and ending the homeless veteran issue by 2015.

Bill Butcher a small business owner attested to how President Obama, makes it easy for Americans to own small businesses and receive funding for it.

Benita Veliz, an undocumented immigrant spoke on how the DREAM act is helping her realize the American dream.

Randy Johnson, Cindy Hewitt, and David Foster, all former Bain employees of Mitt Romney, explained to the American people how corruption and greed by Mitt Romney lead to their loss of jobs, health care, and retirement funds.
Former President Bill Clinton ended the second night of the DNC by taking to the stage and delivering a lethal injection of the truth to the Republican party.

President Clinton is an amazing speaker and he has a way of connecting to an audience by talking to them as if they were a family member. He has such a 'no nonsense' way about him that makes you believe what he's saying.

Clinton tooted President Obama's positive record the entire time that he spoke, making sure to give detailed information on key legislation Americans may not have known about.

In Clinton's words, "I wanna nominate a man that's cool on the outside, but burns for America on the inside. And after last night, I wanna nominate him for having the good sense to marry Michelle Obama!"

Clinton stated that, "the far-right hates our president. And that no one, not even his predecessor could have fully repaired this economy in four years."

After his speech President Obama surprised him on stage with a hug and handshake, obviously thanking the former president for having his back. See Bill Clinton's speech here.

The third and final night of the DNC had me an emotional mess. I cried a lot listening to Congressman John Lewis (seen above) one of the thirteen original Freedom Riders for Civil Rights, take the American people on his past journey of non-violent protesting and rallying for Blacks to have the right to vote.

Lewis called out the name of the three Freedom Riders that were murdered in Mississippi (Chaney, Goodman, Schwerner), for trying to give people the right to vote. He called their names out almost as a way of giving vindication to their efforts, and showing that their deaths were not in vain.

Lewis also shared a story of a former Ku Klux Klan member that beat him up during one of his non-violent protests. The Klan member came to his office one day asking for forgiveness, in which Lewis told him he forgave him. Then both men hugged and wept in each others arms. This story was so powerful beyond measure and gave a detailed insight of what America truly was before many of us were even born. 

It rocked me to the core then and still does now, when I think of how hateful some people can be over the color of one's skin. It took me a long time to realize that these hateful actions by some, is just a lack of education and unconscious ignorance.

Former U.S. House of Representative for the 8th district of Arizona Gabby Gifford, also made an appearance on the third night of the DNC reciting the pledge of allegiance.

Mrs. Gifford was one of thirteen victims to survive a Arizona shooting that struck her in the head with a bullet, where she was purposely targeted for being a Democrat and working with President Obama.

Watching her walk out on that stage one step at a time, while wearing the biggest most beautiful smile as if she won a race was the most humbling and touching moment of the DNC. She displayed American resilience and showed the fighter inside of her.

Piggy backing off of the fighter in Mrs. Gifford, another woman fighter took to the stage and commanded the crowd's attention with her grandiose voice and dramatic flailing of her body. Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, got the crowd to their feet and there they stood throughout her entire speech.

Ms. Granholm broke down how utterly horrible the automobile industry had become under republicans, and gave President Obama huge kudos for stepping up and saving the auto industry. She went on to call out the many auto jobs that were saved and created in several different states. Her infamous line of the night, that in Mitt Romney's world "His cars get the elevator, and the workers get the shaft!"

I now refer to Ms. Granholm as a "hot tamale." See Ms. Granholm's fiery speech here.

The finale of the third DNC night brought Vice President Joe Biden to the stage to accept his nomination, and of course Biden delivered his speech in the "uncle Joe" way that we've all come to love and enjoy. See VP Biden's speech here.

Vice President Biden,introduced the man of the hour President Barack Obama, who took to the stage smiling obviously eager to deliver his message. And like his wife's speech that I chose not to critique, I'll also do the same for the President by simply posting it. See speech below.

2012 LA
