Corporations That Ship American Jobs Overseas

When corporations that reside within America, ship jobs overseas as a means of saving money; does that not bespeak to Americans that they shouldn't be able to make a livable wage?

Is it fair that American taxpayers who help to sustain corporations by paying their fair share of taxes, end up receiving the middle finger from CEO's of these companies with regards to their livelihoods?

It's as if the corporations are saying that Americans aren't good enough to work in their companies, but are only good enough to purchase their products and services rendered by people in other countries. 

Why should one purchase foreign made products from American companies, when they'd rather give your job away in order to save money -- but still expect you, the American taxpayer to help keep their corporations afloat? 

Americans were the laborer and the consumer, but it would seem that as of lately certain companies are structured to make Americans...consumers...only.

The newest revelation of American jobs being shipped overseas has affected LA artist's, whose musical jobs that are being transferred out of the country for a better price; but shouldn't the federal government step in to work with those whose livelihoods have been turned upside down? 

Moreover, I'm not talking about unemployment because that's a given, but what if a representative from the federal government worked with those afflicted individuals to create new companies that seek to sustain one's creativity -- and/or profession within their local communities? Everybody working together to make their bad situation a good one and as a result, future generations will benefit from such positive progressiveness.

American companies taking away employment from their people doesn't always have to be a devastation, especially if there's a backup plan in place to counter the negativity -- as there are more job creators in America than actual jobs. The federal government intervening with much needed funds to partner with local entrepreneurs to create and sustain new companies, will always be the best and smartest economical solution.

2014 LA
