86 Percent of Nevadans Want Stricter Gun Laws but...

Last month Nevada's Republican Governor Brian Sandoval vetoed legislation that would've enforced stricter gun laws, in which one regulation stipulated mandatory background checks during each firearm purchase. 

Does it not matter to the Governor that 86 percent of Nevadans support stricter gun laws? Does it not matter to the Governor that the Nevada Sheriffs' and Chiefs Association criticized senate bill 221 as "unenforceable", thereby allowing the voices of Nevada's majority constituents to remain overruled?

Did the Nevada Sheriffs' and Chiefs Association oppose SB221, because they're affiliated with a Nevada non-profit organization that sells firearms? And if so, does them making a profit mean more than human lives?

Losing a family member last November to senseless gun violence, and anxiously awaiting the passage of SB221 that would never come spurred me into action while seeking justice for almost 90 percent of Nevadans, who firmly disagree with Governor Sandoval's response. 

While attending a local gun regulation rally this past July 1st, it felt good being in the same room with other activists, organizers, and military veterans who were down for the cause -- although it disappointed me that I was the only "young" person in the room. 

Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband Mark, made an appearance at their rally which is called, Americans for Responsible Solutions. Their campaign visited the local Las Vegas area in hopes of getting American citizens and local state officials, on board with regards to how best to move forward instituting sensible gun laws. 

The Tuscon shooting two years ago that nearly took Ms. Giffords' life, made her a strong advocate for reinforcing gun law regulation. 

Watching her at the DNC (Democratic National Convention) last year walk across the stage with the biggest smile, while leading the crowd during the Pledge of Allegiance was one of the most inspirational moments of that evening! And then standing in the same room with her this month solidified for me, that if this woman who's still healing from wounds from more than 2 years ago -- if she can be out here fighting for our rights then so can we.

If you live in Nevada and wish for gun regulation to protect the citizens in this state, you can contact local state officials here and Governor Sandoval, here.

2013 LA
