Mitt Romney Misleads Americans On Obama's Welfare Reform

Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has hit the Obama campaign with yet another erroneous ad, which states that the president plans to gut the "working for welfare" portion of the welfare reform program that would allow welfare recipients to receive government assistance without having to work for it. This is completely false.

The Romney campaign has gone so far as to say, that the Obama administration plans to give away free Cadillac cars to welfare recipients! But what I find interesting about this statement is that when Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, he himself signed welfare reform that would give welfare recipients free Cadillac's! 

In the words of President Obama's campaign deputy director James Kavaal,

"As governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney created a program that gave free cars to the states welfare recipients, that paid for the costs of their insurance, taxes, titles, registration, repairs, even their Triple A membership. And for people who transitioned to work lost their jobs and went back on welfare, they were allowed to keep their free car."

So it would seem that Mitt Romney is accusing President Obama, of doing something that he himself have already done. Moreover, the governor stated that his wife Ann drives several different Cadillac's as her choice of automobile. It makes you wonder if the Mittster, included himself on the welfare recipients list for a few free cars?

The constant republican attacks to end a welfare program that helps millions of Americans survive, and the gross disdain they have for welfare recipients is simply appalling.

Do republicans look down on poor people as if they're bugs that should be squashed? If taxpayers didn't pay to help poor people, then how would they survive?

Using welfare as a permanent means of survival is wrong, and those that need financial support should use the program only to garner independence again. 

Having conversations with republicans with regards to the welfare program, made me realize that they really do believe that welfare recipients are lazy while making $6000 dollars a month; they believe that welfare funds are used to purchase drugs and jewelery, and that the dependents are better off than a rich person. I couldn't believe my ears! It sounded as if they were jealous of welfare recipients.

One republican woman said to me that welfare recipients shouldn't feel "entitled" to get free stuff, and that they should stay with family members as a way of getting help instead of "free rent". 

Republicans need to realize that not everyone has family that they can turn too. If a person is poor more than likely their family is poor, and their ancestors were poor, which in turn created a cycle for future generations to start out poor. How can you expect someone to pull themselves up by their boot straps, if they don't have any boot straps to begin with?! You can't expect a poor person to "conserve" or "budget" on NOTHING.

As Americans we have to have each others back. We're all one in this country, fighting, working, and building together to continue to make this country great. We don't need Americans that will sell our country to the highest bidders, or work against us with foreign entities, or lie to us in order to keep the game of exploitation alive and well.

We need Americans that are willing to work hard to rejuvenate our country, while giving back to our communities to keep them strong and healthy. Making poor people non-existent instead of helping them, is the exact opposite of what Jesus would do.

                     (Photo below of America's wealth gap)

The GOP lives as if they are eliminated from being poor, as if being poor isn't in their near future. But no one is promised tomorrow, and no one is promised that tomorrow will be a good day or a bad day. Instead of republicans feeling "entitled" to having tomorrow, they should begin to think with their hearts if they have one, by using each day to make a positive difference for all Americans and not just the rich ones.

Is it fair for Mitt Romney to give the uber rich more tax cuts, while raising taxes on the poor and the middle class? 

How selfish is that? He'd rather have those that are financially hurting to give up more money that they don't even have! Then republicans pander to their right wing base to make it seem as if welfare recipients, are holding them back from making more money. It's morally incorrect and just another way to cause more divisiveness between the races, as it is used as a distraction tactic to make us forget about the real issues at hand.

America, will we ever get it right?

2012 LA
