Agenda 21: The New Word Order Is Against The Middle Class?
"Go down Moses", is an old Negro spiritual that African slaves sang
to denounce slave masters that kept them downtrodden.
The spiritual speaks of Moses who was a religious leader, lawmaker, and prophet. The biblical story states that Moses was sent by God, to free the Israelites from the oppressive nature of the Pharaoh.
The spiritual speaks of Moses who was a religious leader, lawmaker, and prophet. The biblical story states that Moses was sent by God, to free the Israelites from the oppressive nature of the Pharaoh.
After Moses lead the Israelites to safety he was then given the ten commandments, and of the ten commandments three of them are most widely remembered without ever needing to take a look; thou shalt not kill, thou shall not steal, thou shall not commit adultery.
In the 21st century President Obama, is indeed our modern day Moses because he fights so hard to give 100 percent of Americans a fair shot at opportunity.
The first day Barack Obama hit the oval office he went to work for American families, quickly passing a stimulus bill that halted the economic bleeding that his predecessor George W. Bush, began.
He extended unemployment to those badly affected by the economic catastrophe, and his first bill signed into law was the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which gives women equal pay for equal work while prohibiting discrimination against women who do the same work as men.
To see all laws passed by the Obama administration, click here.
The former Illinois senator has had a hard time continuing his positive streak of helping Americans, due to the obstructionist efforts of the Republican party. People are baffled and some in disbelief at just how far the GOP will go, using their power of authority to harm the weak and vulnerable.
This is why it deeply bothers me to share with you a video recording that I've come across, which sites a plan for a New World Order against the American people, ie, the middle class.
Below you will see timed excerpts from the video, which I highlighted as some of the most important information that one would need to know.
A speaker named Michael Shaw from Santa Cruz, California, stated these words about Agenda 21, ie, the new world order.
4:44 - "There are selected developers who are building a New World Order, and will use government and American taxpayer dollars to carry this out."
Mr. Shaw, then shows a map on the head projector titled, "Biodiversity and Wildlands Project USA". The map is lit up in red, yellow, black, and blue colors. Mr. Shaw proceeds to explain the color codes.
4:50 - "The red areas are off limits to human beings, no resource development, no human activity. If you live there, you won't. The yellow areas are major control of human activity, if you live there you won't. The black areas/dots on the map are smart growth zones. Humans are to be stacked and packed in small living units along rail tracks. Smart growth programs have jobs assigned, and children will be cared for by the state."
The only color left on the map was blue, however, Mr. Shaw never stated what the blue areas meant. The black areas concerned me, because they were all on the outskirts of the country near the ocean. So when Shaw stated "stack and pack people", it reminded me of a story a journalist reported on in Madison, Georgia.
The journalist cited a story about the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta, Georgia, who asked an employee to lease his land in order to store burial vaults/temporary morgues. But why would the CDC secretly ask to lease land in order to store coffins? (click here to view video of black coffins).
7:39 - A speaker stated that "our children are mathematically illiterate on purpose." The speaker went on to state that math is man-made, and if man changes the fact that 2+2=4 to 2+2=5, children will believe it because man wrote it.
He even posted a book on the projector screen titled, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by author Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. This speaker went on to say that, "more education increases the threat to sustainability."
The speaker then highlighted a literary teaching tool on the projector that read, "The Sustainable Goal: Eliminate the Middle Class. This same speaker said that "the population is controlled under the elite."
5:53 - In the words of the speaker on how to brainwash our children, "you steal a generation of children, and you indoctrinate them so that they accept these ideas, and they become global citizens in the coming global village. To do that, you must transfer loyalty from the parents to the government."
Dumbing down our children on purpose, taking our children's loyalty from their parent's, and enacting a New World Order that sounds more like a genocide waiting to happen, definitely breaks the rules associated with the ten commandments. And after all is said and done what can we do to stop this evil, that is taking place right underneath our noses?
For video on Agenda 21, click here.
For more information on Agenda 21, and other hidden agenda's click here.
2012 LA
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