A Tribute to My Readers

Three days ago, I noticed the comments on my site www.hoodtalks.blogspot.com were removed. I scrolled up and down the page looking for my comments, needless to say they have mysteriously disappeared. Fortunately, I save everything! A tribute to my fellow readers...

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Killed 4 Being Black......": It's crazy I am a Mixed girl (African/European/Native) and I have been with an Indian man for 5 years, the last 3 on the rocks after the birth of our son. His family doesn't know about us and he's so secretive but at the same time overly jealous and protective of me. I'm to the point of wanting to just leave this situation...he says that his family will never understand and that his father will be ridiculed in the community. It's hard for me to understand where he's coming from because of the racial tensions that existed in my past. My parents fought to be together and my father was ultimately killed because of it. So I can't understand his predicament. The thing that's not fair though is that he has told me we can never marry because i won't be accepted but now he's saying he doesn't t me with someone else. I should just go into hiding because either way doesn't seem like it will work out.

Logan: has left a new comment on your post "Yet Another Racist E-mail Moment. Surprise, Surpri...": I freaking love Popeye's, man. I'm glad this happened, we don't need people like him in power.

LOGAN: has left ft a new comment on your post "LA's thoughts on: Former Pastor Ted Haggard's Secr...": I thought you'd be interested in this. http://westtennessee.blogspot.com/2009/01/i-really-really-need-your-help.htmlIt actually happened at the school I graduated from. I'm doing everything I can to take action, any help would be greatly appreciated!

LOGAN: has left a new comment on your post "Obama And Bush Are Compared....": Thanks for sharing this information! I get most of my news from independent websites, CNN, and MSNBC, and I hadn't read much about this subject.Obama has moved up the ladder of success incredibly fast, and his intelligence and hard work are the major reasons why. While Obama had the emotional and intellectual support of a great family, he never had the financial stability Bush had. Mr. Bush never had to work TOO hard, because his father was always there to support him, monetarily speaking.I'm pleased to know that he is dedicating his time and intellect to the betterment of this country, and working just as hard to give us every possible opportunity as he worked to give himself opportunities.

Queen Monica: has left a new comment on your post "Obama Receives Hateful Stares......": It's always a few who want to hold on to the establishment. Give them time...they all will trip on themselves.

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Unemployment Extension Crisis": Girl I could sit at your page all day and read the truth! So the extension was passed?

Logan: has left a new comment on your post "George W. Bush's Farewell Address": I didn't see his farewell address, but I did see his last press conference. He actually said that he into office with a recession and is leaving with one.I find that bullshit. Sure, I was only 13 when he was elected, so I don't remember a lot. But from what I understand, the economy was MUCH better off during Clinton's administration. I don't remember anything close to a recession. But besides that, he's leaving with a war and a worsening economy. I was always under the impression that war helped the economy in many ways. Am I wrong? Did we not come out of WW2 with much more wealth than during the depression? He's arrogant and ridiculous. I don't expect an apology, but I do expect some honesty...I guess that's too much to ask from a man who's repeatedly lied to us for eight years.

Logan: has left a new comment on your post "Ann Coulter On "The View"": I hate that bitch with a red passion.

Logistics Monster: has left a new comment on your post "Swiss Banks Closing American Accounts.....": Hood - make sure that you do not blame this on Bush entirely as both parties are completely corrupt - go here to find out who really is making your life and everybody else's life hell; and Bambi ain't gonna make it better - his buddy Timothy Geithner is right in the middle of this. Wake up - open your eyes.

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "RNC Denounces Racist Song....But Shows True Colors...": The RNC apology that you are referring to is satirical and was not submitted by the RNC. The apology was written by satirist Andy Borowitz (NAACP Award Winner for work on The Fresh Prince-and not an RNC fanboy). Many RNC members stated publicly that the distribution of the CD was appalling and shameful. The apology is so over the top, it is hard to believe that anyone took it as official. Such a official statement would have killed an already crippled political party.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "George Bush Has The Blues": THIS IS CLASSIC. LMAO. I ALMOST FELT BAD FOR HIM....

Mberenis: has left a new comment on your post "President-Elect Barack Obama's Main Focus": Yeah I agree with you on several points. I found some interesting data that I would like to share with you regarding financial help.

PoliTiK: has left a new comment on your post "My President Is Black!": I sure hope you are right LA. I think one of the greatest things about this, is that us black folk will no longer be left in the dark about some really suspicious things the government has been involved in. (KKK, Assassination of Dr. King etc.) I can't wait to learn the truths that have been secrets to only us 4 ever. Keep it up!!!

*Simone*: has left a new comment on your post "Elisabeth Hasselbeck 4 Republican Spokeswoman?": I had to watch "The View" today just to see her reaction. She tried to be gracious but I know she was pissed at the outcome.

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Keith Olbermann Pays 4 Gov. Palin's Lies....Litera...": Why is this video no longer available. Did it become a full time job to try and calculate the lies. I just heard about 3 more in the short period i could stomach to watch her stump.

moscatelassociates: has left a new comment on your post "Should We Be Looking In 2 Cindy McCain's Health Re...": No, we should not, however, it's interesting that you bring that up because I just wrote an article that relates to it at www.moscatelassociates.blogspot.com We need to put health care records online. The V.A. does that. That will -- that will reduce costs. - John McCain.For a maverick who openly admits not knowing how to use a computer, it came as a bit of a surprise to me in the last debate to hear that John McCain KNOWS it's a good idea to put health care records online. Aside from the obvious invasion of privacy violations that such a policy would undoubtedly create, the idea that it would reduce costs is highly doubtful. It basically amounts to a handout of government contracts to document management companies, possibly in the billions, with absolutely NO proven cost/benefit analysis from his campaign.In addition, has it occurred to Mr. McCain that health records are kept by doctors, insurance companies, hospitals and employers? Is John McCain proposing that they all just head down to Staples, buy their own scanners and hire their own extra staff to scan, index, catalog and maintain hundreds of millions of pages of pages of records. What software does he propose everyone use and does he know how much those systems cost? And who exactly will coordinate this operation, or mission... the Department of Earmarks?You'd think people in my business would be absolutely thrilled about this baseless assumption. And you're probably right. But I think this cuts to the very heart of this campaign because I don't need a handout in the form of a government contract. I need a government that realizes it already has a contract to the American people to "think" before they speak about businesses that they have no understanding of whatsoever.I'll make this perfectly clear. I believe wholeheartedly in scanning and imaging as a practical and necessary tool for the smooth and efficient handling of an office's day to day work flow. However, the notion that putting documents online reduces paper-output is erroneous.Take the law profession for example. Before computers, attorneys drafted only a few copies of pleadings, contracts and correspondence. They did this because of the time involved in editing errors and mistakes. Legal professionals today have the benefit of editing a document as much as they want because of computers. As a result, they print out many more documents and increase the demand for paper, which has devastating effects on the environment as well.Having worked for government and in records management for the last ten years, including as the Records Manager for Trucker Huss, a venerated Employee Benefits firm with some of the most respected HIPAA attorneys in the world, I feel I am entitled as say "Raf The Records Manager" to call him out on this.The HIPAA law, while achieving some of its goals to fight against identity theft and abuse, was nevertheless a multi-million dollar donation to the tech companies that were enlisted to execute the specifics of the law. The cost to law firms and corporations to restructure their records polices and procedures was unnecessary and unwarranted.The blacking out of names and social security numbers on patient records and other documents may have sounded like a good idea, but tell that to the thousands of medical office managers around the country. That HIPAA requirement as well as a number of others impeded office work flow because it was designed by politicians who had absolutely no input from actual end users or the individuals their law would actually impact.If John McCain really wants to save some money on records management, maybe he should ask a records manager, a librarian, a file clerk, or ANYBODY who actually works with records for advice. Or maybe he should ask "Joe The 72 year old Doctor" or "Tito the 55 year old Nurse" how they feel about putting down their pens and paper and buying a machine they don't know how to use instead.Records are kept best, and records management overhead costs are kept lowest when organizations and government departments avoid gimmicks like "the paperless office" and take a more thoughtful approach to managing their information, and the information of others.

ac: has left a new comment on your post ""Toxic Talk" At The McCain/Palin Rallies": Help stop the hate - here are three things you can do to make a difference right now: 1. Sign the petition to end incitement of hatred and violence by McCain/Palin.2. Write your Congressperson about it.3. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper.And spread the word!

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Fema Still Didn't Get The Hint.....": I agree, maybe that's where the republicans can start with cutting spending..

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Al Gore Endorses Obama!": You can have that one.....

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Senator John McCain Announces His V.P. Pick": Love the article boo...I was thinking the same thing about McCain picking a woman as his VP pick. It's a shame he thinks "We the people" are so damn ignorant that we wouldn't see that he picked a woman to do his job, not to mention the fact that he thinks women are inferior to men...Ugh!! it frustrates me all over! Keep up the good work boop!!! Love ya!!!

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "My 2 Cents on, Obama "Talking White"": Ralph Nader just mad because he can't make President. Who do he think he is to talking about somebody anyway what good thing came out of his mouth lately.

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Teen Pregnancies On Purpose?": Thanks for your thoughts.... I totally agree LA. These children are obviously misguided but more importantly, your ideas on having day cares are great, I would only do one thing different; and that is I would only offer the daycare to those in night school.... Keep it going LA....

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Our Military Veterans Are Lab Rats?": LA-This story is almost unbelievable. Unfortunately we know that its true. Its disgusting to think that our county's hero's are being used for experimentation, and only thirty dollars??? Seriously??? Although I agree with you; on a side note; government doesn't care about how our soldiers are being killed in the war, why would they care about how they are killed here????Keep rockin' it LA.

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Teen Pregnancies On Purpose?": Thanks for your thoughts.... I totally agree LA. These children are obviously misguided but more importantly, your ideas on having day cares are great, I would only do one thing different; and that is I would only offer the daycare to those in night school.... Keep it going LA....

chilcoot: has left a new comment on your post "Killed 4 Being Black......": "He didn't even want 2 fight 4 her?"This bugger Rajeev Rai is a dickless coward and liar.
1.He told Sparkle b4 marriage that his parents are dead.
2.After marriage he didn't take her to meet them.
3.No emotion noted after murder. He coolly carried on.
4.He remarried an Indian girl--and did NOT tell her or her family of his tragic past or Anallas existence.
5.Neither he nor his family ever visited Analla. So, like father like son.* I hope Chiman Rai gets lifer, not death. I would love to hear him being strangled by the many blacks in US jails--once they hear how much he loves black;)

Anonymous: has left a new comment on your post "Killed 4 Being Black......": Even within the Indian community racism exists. Indians are not one people...the include various ethnic groups. People who have the last name Rai are generally fairer complexion Indians. So had she been a darker skinned Indian woman from a different "caste" the father still would not have been satisfied.It is so said that people of any group can harbor such hatred in their heart simply because one is of a different ethnic background.And it is doubly said that the daughter is not being raised by her father. What is that all about? It is as if any presence of Sparkle was completely erased from his life. I guess its not fair to judge...but come on....


2009 LA
