John Boehner Needs Incentive to Do His Job

Is there common sense behind House Speaker John Boehner, threatening to default on America's bills? Not!

Democrats won a second term fair and square, and some Republicans can't seem to get over it. John Boehner and his tea party crew wish to hurt middle class and poor Americans, unless they receive concessions. But demanding ransom as a resolution to raising the debt ceiling, isn't necessarily the "right" thing to do. 

However, raising the debt ceiling should be done because it is the "right" thing to do, and Republican extremists looking for a favor in return of doing so appears selfish and greedy. Republicans were elected to office to do their job, not expect "concessions" as an incentive to do their job. 

Shutting down the government is no big deal to John Boehner and his far-right colleagues, because they plan to get what they want one way or another. If President Obama refuses to negotiate on their request for concessions in order to do their job, moving forward with a default on our economy will become reality. If that happens we could plummet into another recession, and passing a stimulus bill worthy of Republicans will be another waiting game. 

The rich won't be affected as they can easily pull their money out of stocks, however, it can tank wall street -- at least for a little while. When wall street tanks it can directly effect private corporations; companies in which Americans work. People could lose theirs jobs, benefits, and health insurance all at an alarming rate. These private corporations will surely look to the federal government for a bail-out, writing a letter to express their dire straits. 

But why should these companies receive a bail-out anymore than a veteran, or teacher, or student, or the elderly, or a child, or the poor, or the middle class? 

Corporations are not people. People are people, and as a result should be treated as such. John Boehner, stop the circus side-show and do what's morally right for the majority of the American people.

By the way, have you seen the petition calling for Boehner's impeachment? If not click here and check it out.

2013 LA
