Fear of Compromise

As mankind, are we so self-absorbed and thoughtless, that we're willing to destroy one another for the purposes of power?

We seem to live in a world of opposites; left/right, North/South, yes/no, good/bad, right/wrong. It's our life's code to our being. Everyday we exist, we exist in a world of opposites. Are opposites necessary? Is it what makes the world "go round"? 

Understandably, both sides have points, opinions, and beliefs; to give in is to be defeated. Succumbing to the opposite emulates a "bowing down" of sorts, but only if one were to look at it in that way. 

Finding common ground doesn't make you a punk, it only shows your willingness to compromise for the good of everyone. With that said, compromising for the good of all people won't hurt rich people or poor people, it won't hurt races of people or their cultures, it won't hurt people in their everyday lives. It'll help people in their everyday lives -- all people. 

Rejecting "compromise" is an act of fear, and fear from what? 

Most people want peace and happiness, not war and sadness. Perpetuating fear in others because your fearful, isn't fair, it's in the moral code of wrong. Stop being fearful and allow yourself to LOVE others, and hopefully that love will be reciprocated. It must be genuine! This is the only way for "compromise" to work.

My thoughts on America's 21st century politics.

2013 LA
