School Closings Ignite Fury

The aftershock from the sequester has begun to prominently show its cracks in the foundation, as the latest attacks on eliminating students' education have intensified. 

Earlier cracks began to take form with the removal of Head Start operations, meal assistance to the hungry, health care and food safety inspections , in which House Republicans voted to defund the programs altogether while displacing children from enrollment and Preschool classes, and serves to make Americans even more vulnerable.

Republican austerity has caused a ripple effect among middle schools and high schools, as libraries, access to counselors, extracurricular activities, and even all sports will be eliminated. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a democrat by name only as his actions are purely conservative, is planning to close 54 public schools in his city. He stated this week that negotiations are over, and plans to implement the closings are proceeding.

School closings are popping up all over the nation and today thousands of students in Philadelphia, decided to come together in a protest against the civil rights of their education being taken away. The majority of cuts will predominately affect lower income and minority individuals.

As the saying goes in my hood, "it just got real in the streets." 

2013 LA
