House Speaker John Boehner States Why "Poor People Remain Poor"

This past Wednesday House Speaker John Boehner (seen above), made it his duty to announce to the public why poor people remain poor. 

Mr. Boehner's exact words were in fact, "A lot of people that are being paid the minimum wage, are being paid that because they come to the work force with no skills, and this makes it harder for them to acquire the skills they need in order to climb that ladder successfully."

My first reaction to this comment was that it's complete bull@!*&%*, and my next reaction wanted to curse the House Speaker to oblivion.

My defensive nature came from the fact that I know many, many people, that are college educated like myself and who were forced to succumb too low wage employment due to the crashing economy. The individuals I know in low wage positions have enough skill and experience, to either run a company or be the company. 

Furthermore, discrimination and racism remain prevalent throughout corporations and because of this very fact those same low wage people with high skills and experience, are often overlooked due to wide spread cronyism which allows those who are unqualified to fly to the top of the ladder instead of walking like everyone else. 

The lift to the top does nothing for those unskilled individuals because they'll lack the character and credibility, that one builds when gaining experience along the way; then jealousy and envy will ensue once they're going head to head with someone more intelligent -- in which "culture" will leave the room as the unqualified candidate expresses their superiority status as a result of their own inadequacies. 

In the end evidence proves that cronyism eventually leads to companies failing with extreme losses of revenue, as we saw play out during the presidency of George W. Bush

The year of 2008, wasn't that long ago when huge corporations began declining at rapid speed. JP Morgan, Bank of America, AIG, Goldman Sachs, and the Lehman Brothers, are several companies that seemed to collapse so suddenly. The CEO's and executives of these companies all cashed out with bonuses amounting to millions of dollars, while those at the bottom of the totem pole lost their jobs and any benefits that came along with it. 

In 2008 it was also reported that eighty thousand jobs were being lost every single month, which caused unemployment benefits to sky rocket out of control while forcing high skilled workers to accept low wage job positions. So we have high skilled workers at the bottom of the barrel while those same CEO's and executives, retain their positions at the top waiting about 5 to 8 years to harvest their companies at a significant profit. Remember former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's exact words, when he spoke about "harvesting" a company?

At the end of the day, republicans will never agree to raise the minimum wage because they'd rather keep people in poverty. How do they complain about 47% of Americans being poor, but then won't take legislative action to do something about it? 

As a descendant of slaves my grandmother would often tell me stories, of how she used to pick cotton and tobacco in the hot fields of the South. She told me she made $0.75 cents a day for over 13-14 hours of work! Not $0.75 cents an hour -- but a day! This was back in the late 1940's, when my grandmother was barely a teenager. Can you imagine making $0.75 cents a day?! So from 1947 to 2013, the minimum wage has only risen $4.40 in over sixty-six years?! 

However, productivity is the highest its ever been while making the wealthiest Americans even wealthier off the blood, sweat, and tears of the under paid, under appreciated, and oppressed people. 

What's the difference between now and slavery? Oh yea, people are actually paid for their labor now, because for over five hundred years slaves were never paid a dime for their efforts in building America. So I guess my grandmother got a raw deal with her daily wages? I think not!

So Mr. Boehner, the next time you decide to speak on behalf of the 47 percent just remember that you yourself could easily be the 47 percent; as I hear it, you're the worst House Speaker in U.S. history and I'm having a hard time understanding why you (a) still have your job, and (b) make $223,500 dollars just to make other people's lives miserable?

And to those people who are highly skilled, experienced, and have enough character to boot; when you can't move up within a company due to its unethical practices and when you must constantly switch jobs in hopes that those unethical practices do not follow you, just remember that sometimes you must create your own opportunities because if you wait for someone to realize or even acknowledge your talents -- you might be waiting forever. 


2013 LA
