Are Certain Lawmakers Adults or Spoiled Brats?

March 22, 2010 - The White House passed the biggest health care reform bill in four decades! The vote came in 219-212 with President Obama, only needing 216 votes to sign the bill into law. All 178 Republicans voted against the legislation, as well as 34 Democrats. But in the end the party of no didn't prevail. The nearly 940 billion dollar plan will extend insurance coverage, to 32 million additional Americans.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated, "Health care reform is necessary to end insurance industry abuses, and will bring greater economic stability to most Americans."

GOP majority leader John Boehner commented, "We have failed to listen to America, and we have failed to reflect the will of our constituents. When we fail to reflect that will, we fail ourselves and we fail our country." Mr. Boehner stated that the health care plan will lead to a government takeover, of America's private employer based health care system.

I understand the Democratic and Republican side of things, however, I agree with the Democratic side because I believe health care means freedom to live a healthy life, and it means equality among all people no matter what your preexisting conditions are. This health care reform doesn't discriminate and to me that's very important. Previous health care plans have often discriminated against Americans, causing most to pay ridiculous fees for little to no care at all. So again why wasn't this bill not good enough to garner bi-partisan support? Why would all 178 Republicans and 34 Democrats, refrain from helping their fellow man and woman?

As I watched the vote take place on C-span, often there were Republicans shouting out hateful rhetoric; angry that the bill would soon be passed. How can lawmakers spew hatred without being reprimanded or fired? Come on now! They go to work everyday just like everybody else, but if the company I worked for voted to implement a new policy that I voted against, I'm sure my ranting, raving, and calling people names wouldn't be acceptable. I would be fired, Fired, FIRED! Moreover, it doesn't show team spirit at all and for most companies, being a team player is key to success. When legislation passes, it should be mandatory for all officials to work together without slandering one another. Nothing can be done to change the legislation signed into law, so there needs to be common ground to connect on.

Republicans aren't scared of government taking over private sectors, that isn't President Obama's intention. I think Republicans are scared of a competition. If Americans are complaining about the current state of their health care plans, and President Obama's plan will give help to those additional Americans that need it, most people will probably jump on board with the Obama plan. So in the end Republicans are scared over the loss of revenue within the private insurance sector, not about government taking over their companies. Let's just keep it real.

2010 LA
