George Bush Selling Out America?

ABC News Charlie Gibson interviewed President George W. Bush, who made a few confusing comments during his sit down.

Bush was asked what he thought his greatest accomplishments were to which he answered, 

"I keep recognizing we're in a war against ideological thugs and keeping America safe. I didn't anticipate war. Presidents --one of the things about modern presidency is that the unexpected will happen. I'm the president during this period of time, but I think when the history of this period is written, people will realize a lot of the decisions that were made on Wall Street, took place over a decade ago. I will leave the presidency with my head held high."

Did you notice that he never answered the question, but instead mentioned war and Wall street? Subliminal message maybe?

Gibson then asked Bush would he have ordered the March 2003 invasion, if he had known that late dictator Saddam Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction? 

Bush simply replied, "An interesting question."

Yet another question that goes unanswered by the man holding the highest office in the land?

Do we only allow Bush to give us half-ass answers because he's president? Is there a special "pass card" one gets to use to avoid important questions? We're talking about a war that has killed over 4,200 American troops and counting, as well as a horrible economic crisis that hasn't happened since the 1920's Great Depression. 

Why do we let this president feed us trash talk like this situation doesn't stink?

And George Bush can keep saying that the Iraq intelligence failure was his biggest mistake, but Senator McCain confirmed at a town hall meeting that the Iraq invasion was due to crude oil attainment, and never once did he mention weapons of mass destruction. 

The former president commented that he was "unprepared for war," although video footage and transcripts of George Bush actually calling himself a war president, seem to suggest a different tone. 

The native Texan went on to say, "I wish the intelligence would have been different I guess, I'm sorry for the global economic meltdown." 

He guesses? So after all of this he still isn't sure that he made a bad call? 

And if he couldn't help to tank the economy more than he already has, now he's offering to sign a deal with Chinese president Hu Jintao allowing him to own the rights to the United States' name, just maybe the straw that breaks the camels back. Allegedly, Bush plans to sell our nations flag for 1.4 trillion and the Chinese president, offered an additional 10 million to change our national anthem as well.  

Chinese president Hu Jintao seen above-l;George W. Bush seen above-r 

President Bush enlightened reporters at the White House, stating that his decision was made after being shocked to learn the United States was in a recession for a year. In Bush's words, "We get 1.4 trillion, and all we have to do is change our name to Panda Garden." 

Does Bush not hear himself when he speaks?

He always boasts about how much he loves America and American pride, but then does the most unpatriotic thing by allowing outsiders to own part of our country's century old tradition? It compromises our American history and what we stand for as a country. Is Bush trying to cause as much havoc as possible before President-Elect Obama, enters the White House?

There's to much going on to fast and it seems almost coincidence that before Bush leaves office he's making 1.4 trillion dollar deals, while trying to tap congress for the extra 350 billion in bailout funds, all while the "Big 3" is requesting 34 billion in taxpayer dollars before the year is out. Republicans sure want a lot to happen before January gets here, and it becomes more apparent everyday.

This entire economic mess makes me think of the Disney movie, The Lion King. President Bush is Scar who ultimately kills the society and Barack Obama is Simba, the one that  comes in and saves the day; it's the classic case of good verses evil and we're all hoping that President-elect Obama can actually do what Simba did. 

2008 LA
