Is Boycotting Corporations Who Take Away Your Unalienable Rights the Answer?

When thinking about "religious freedoms" with regards to the SCOTUS ruling in favor of the Hobby Lobby decision 5-4, which gives this corporation the right to choose whether or not a woman can receive reproductive preventative care through her insurance -- and recently pushing to allow corporations to openly discriminate against LGBT individuals; doesn't it make you wonder if the corporations are really following "religious freedoms" -- ie GOD, or if they're simply following themselves...who they deem to be God's?

It's quite troubling to know that a corporation can rule against a majority based on one's religion -- whether you believe in God or not. Corporations might as well hand pick their consumers to and during employee interviews, make sure to ask the interviewee what their religious preference is as well as their stance on contraception. 

I mean, if a company is going to discriminate against you then they should at least be upfront about their tactics, this way you the employee can make a better employment decision that benefits and accommodates your needs. 

Is it fair for corporations to cover male reproductive medication such as Viagra -- verses a woman's reproductive medication such as contraceptives? 

One medication gives men the ability to have a full erection while the other, allows a woman to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and in most cases -- helps to regulate menstrual cycles. Why is one more important than the other? 

Moreover, since America is a nation of immigrants who practice different faiths and have different cultures and identities, that's even more the reason why corporations shouldn't dictate to women how to handle their body parts. 

But per radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, there's a simple solution for women to not need contraception and it's called "if you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex until you want to get pregnant."

However, Limbaugh's rhetoric seems indicative of slave master's (dictators) who thought it proper to only have sex with their wives when trying to produce heirs, but thought it okay to rape women slaves as often as they wanted too. Could this be why some conservatives think that "rape" can be "legitimate"?

Ladies and gentlemen, what we are witnessing is a clash of the times -- with the majority of us living in the progressive future while a regressive minority wishes to turn back the clock...literally. And how does one turn back the clock? 

By stripping away all progressive laws that were put in place to protect the American people; no laws mean no protection -- kind of like banks not having any regulation, which makes it a free for all with regards to executives of those banks.

Furthermore, when corporations and/or people use religion as a valid reason to carry out cruel and violent acts, and than prey upon ignorant civilians to help them carry out those acts, this is considered to be cowardly nonetheless and is exactly what certain corporations and supreme court justices are doing. 

For example: It's a fact that most people who join gangs are simply looking for love and acceptance; someone to care for them and possibly help them with survival tools. Those tools could be food, clothes, money, weapons and/or a roof over your head, and more than likely you'll feel obligated to do whatever that person wants you to do -- therefore, loyalty to your "gang" or "crew" becomes priority. Some may call it generosity and others may call it blackmail, but either way you automatically feel indebted.

So when religious extremists garner their followers -- using Gods' name in vain for the sole purpose of committing heinous and treasonous acts, just know that the God of good, love and light, would NEVER want you to physically harm anyone or anything just because "man" told you too. There's a way to do many things and if it doesn't feel right...then it probably isn't.

On a side note: If you wish to fight back against corporations that discriminate against people, animals and mother earth, there's a right way to do it; simply boycott those corporations. 

Boycotting restricts companies of constant cash flow which they need if they're going to stay in business. As Americans we must do our due diligence of paying attention to where we spend our hard earned money, because as soon as we turn our heads thinking that our boycotting practices solved all of our discriminatory problems -- new corporations will begin emerging with different names as a means of tricking us into consumerism. 

So make sure to keep your eyes and ears open, otherwise, you'll continue to make rich -- the very people that are trying to take away your unalienable rights. 


2014 LA 
